The Ultimate Trucker’s Toiletry Packing List: Must-Have Items for Life on the Road

Ok so it is that time again and I signed up for an over-the-road trucking job that I am going to be starting any day now.  I have been sitting at home too long now and it is time to get back out there. I have begun the dreaded packing for maintaining a somewhat comfortable existence for living on our nation’s highways. Today I packed my toiletries. It took longer than I had imagined partly because I gutted out my entire bathroom in the process but I think I covered all of the bases for being fully prepared for having a mobile bathroom with all of the necessities (without the toilet and shower of course).

So let’s dive in and see what is in the trucker’s toiletry packing list: (Your individual needs and preferences may vary)


Let’s face it. Driving down the highway fighting traffic all day is hard enough. But when you have a splitting headache on top of it. It can down-right ruin your day. So always carry some Tylenol with you. It also acts as a pain reliever should you bump, scrape or cut yourself by accident.


After a headache there is not much worse than having a bad case of heartburn and let’s face it. The food options we get over-the-road at truck stops is far from ideal. All of that greasy and spicy food is going to come back to haunt your stomach but luckily Tums can save the day.


Something as simple as having a bar of soap can do wonders for your life when living out of a semi-truck. For start’s it allows you to take a shower and get clean at most truck stops. You can also take what I call a trucker’s bath in a pinch with a bottle of water, a wash cloth and a bar of soap in your cab. Because let’s face it. Shower facilities are not always available when we are stuck parking in some desolate dirt parking lot or stuck at a shipper. I still have yet to see a shipper offer me a shower. I am pretty sure I will be long dead before that ever happens. Hell, it’s hard enough to get them to offer a rest room half the time.


One great way to keep better oral hygiene is to floss. Food gets stuck between our teeth and wreaks havoc with nasty stuff. So having these on hand after you eat is recommended by just about every dentist in the country.


Flossers are nice for taking your dental hygiene to the next level but if you don’t brush your teeth 2 to 3 times a day then it would be like trying to wash a car without water. Be sure to take the time to brush your teeth in your truck at least twice a day. Once before you start your shift and also right before you go to bed. You can do it all in the comfort of your cab with a bottle of water, a plastic cup, toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. Your bank account will thank you later when your dentist’s bill comes in.

NeoSporin and Bandaids

If you have trucked for any length of time you know how easy it is to get cuts and scrapes doing your job. Having a basic portable medicine cabinet on hand is a great way to stop the bleeding and ensure the cut does not get infected. Also, you will save a lot of time for not having to stop at a truck stop assuming there is even one around and pay some over-inflated price for these vital items.

Foot Powder

Trucking will have you pulling in some long shifts. If you wear running shoes like I do or boots things can start to smell funky down there pretty quick. So the next important thing aside from changing into a clean pair of socks every day is too use a little foot powder to keep your shoes dry and smelling fresh.


For those times when you are unable to shower having some deodorant on hand is a great way to freshen up a little. Shippers, receivers and everyone in a truck stop will appreciate that you took the extra effort also.

Hand Lotion

When I drive around the country it is common to come across weather that can quickly dry your skin out. When this happens a little lotion can go a long way to keeping your skin comfortable.


Insects outnumber us by around 200 million to one. This means you are going to get bit by something occasionally. When you do Cortisone can go a long way to helping relief the itch from the bite and help the wound heal quicker. This also helps with other skin rashes as well and you never know what you might catch out there.


While carrying Tylenol is great for a headache Aleve is better if you have any type of inflammation with an injury. So I make sure to have both on hand.


Some nasty stuff can build up in and around your ears. Also, water can get trapped in your canal. The best solution I have found is too use Q-Tips to keep clean and water free ears.


Having an allergy attack cruising 70 MPH down the highway can be brutal. There are all kinds of nasty pollen spreading out everywhere at various times of the year and the route your on may just be taking you right through the middle of one. One defense against such an attack is too carry an anti-allergy medicine like Zyrtec.

Shaving Razer

I like to keep a clean shave. Everyone has a different preference here but whenever I take my showers during the week, I make sure to shave it all off.

Shaving Cream

If you are going to be shaving you better be sure to have shaving cream also. Otherwise it’s going to be one uncomfortable shave.


Right up there with soap you’re going to need shampoo also. Having a fresh clean smelling head of hair does wonders for your mood after not having a shower for a couple of days.


This is my go-to for dry and chapped lips. It works much better for a dry face than a little tiny overpriced chap stick in my opinion. Just glob this on your lips and they will be shiny and moisture rich the rest of the day.

A Multi-Vitamin

Odds are whatever you are eating out of that truck stop is not providing you with all of the vitamins your body needs. So one of the best ways to remedy this is to take a daily multi-vitamin.

Baby Aspirin

The classic old’ baby aspirin is good for many ailments. So why not have it on hand to compliment your trucker’s medicine cabinet?

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