Middle-aged truck driver sitting thoughtfully in his cab, reflecting hope amidst struggle, with a serene sunset highway landscape outside the window

Mastering Mental Health on the Road: Essential Strategies for Truckers

A topic in trucking that does not get talked about enough is maintaining your mental health while spending most of your time in a truck. This job requires a lot of time on the job. You will be driving or sleeping in your truck the majority of the time. Facing Loneliness Expect to face loneliness…

Eating Healthy While Trucking: How to Prepare Meals on the Road

Eating Healthy While Trucking: How to Prepare Meals on the Road

One of the hardest challenges I had while trucking aside from the actual job was being able to eat the foods that I wanted to. At home I regularly cooked my meals and had easy access to fresh groceries but once you are over the road and living in a truck it changes everything. Truck…